All functions |
FLBDsim class and methods |
Run the FLBEIA bio-economic simulation model |
FLCatchExt class and the methods to construct it. |
Class FLCatchesExt |
FLFleetExt class and the methods to construct it. |
Class FLFleetsExt |
FLMetierExt class and the methods to construct it. |
Class FLMetiersExt |
FLSRsim class and methods |
Estimate selectivity at age |
Harvest Control Rules (HCRs) |
Summary of the FLBEIA output |
Function to generate an FLStock from an FLBiol and FLFleet |
Reference points for a seasonal model |
Calculates selectivity-related parameters |
Checking inputs of FLBEIA function |
FLBEIA easy conditioning: BDs argument creator |
FLBEIA easy conditioning: SRs argument creator |
advice.ctrl object creator |
FLBEIA easy conditioning: advice argument creator |
assess.ctrl object creator |
Function to generate an FLBiol object given inputs as arrays |
biols.ctrl object creator |
FLBEIA easy conditioning: biols argument creator |
covars.ctrl object creator |
Function to generate the covar object neccesary to compute economic indicators and fills in economic slots in FLFleets object |
Function to generate an FLFleetsExt object given inputs as arrays |
fleets.ctrl object creator |
FLBEIA easy conditioning: fleets argument creator |
FLBEIA easy conditioning: indices argument creator |
obs.ctrl object creator |
FLBEIA datasets |
Extracts reference points (specifically Bpa, Blim, Bmsy, Fpa, Flim and Fmsy) from advice.ctrl object, If not available, then values are set to NA. |
Joins the iterations of several FLBEIA outputs |
Extract landings, discard or catch at age |
YPR plots for a seasonal model |
Plots with fleets data |
Plots with biological data |
Plots with fleets data |
Summary plots of the FLBEIA output |
Plots with fltStkSum data |
Economic summary functions. |
Stock-Recruitment models in FLBEIA: segrexmix - Mixture of 2 segmented regression stock-recruitment models fit |
Method setUnitsNA |
stock.fleetInfo |
Biological summary functions |
Translates unit dimension in an FQuant into age dimension |
Update the FLBiols object to the FLCore 2.6 |
Mean weight at age in discards for a stock across fleets and metiers |
Mean weight at age in landings for a stock across fleets and metiers |
Cross tabulation |