It extends the FLCatch class defined in FLFleet package. The FLCatch class includes two extra slots alpha and beta used in the Cobb-Douglas production functions.
# S4 method for FLQuant FLCatchExt(object, range = "missing", name = "NA", desc = character(0), ...) # S4 method for missing FLCatchExt(object, ...) # S4 method for FLCatchExt,ANY,ANY,ANY [(x, i, j, k, l, m, n, ..., drop = FALSE) # S4 method for FLCatchExt,ANY,ANY,FLCatchExt [(x, i, j, k, l, m, n, ...) <- value catchNames(object, ...) <- value # S4 method for FLCatchExt,FLCatchExt addFLCatch(e1, e2) # S4 method for FLCatchExt catchNames(object) # S4 method for FLCatchExt,character catchNames(object) <- value
object, x | An object of class FLQuant, missing or FLCatchExt. |
range | Numerical vector with min, max, plusgroup, minyear and maxyear elements as in FLStock object. |
name | The name of the stock. |
desc | The description of the object. |
... | Other objects to be assigned by name to the class slots. |
i, j, k, l, m, n | subindices |
drop | logical. Should the dimesions be dropped? |
value | Value or values to be assigned to the particular FLQuant or FLCatchExt slot. |
e1, e2 | FLCatchExt objects, where e2 is incorporated into e1 (see addFLCatch). |
The constructors return an object of class FLCatchExt.
The FLCatchExt object contains a representation of the catch of a fish stock as constructed for the purposes of fleet dynamic modelling. This includes information on removals (i.e. landings and discards), selectivity, weight, price and catch production parameters (catchability and elasticities).
An FLQuant with the total landings in weight of the stock.
An FLQuant with the landings in numbers at age of the stock.
An FLQuant with the weight at age of the landings.
An FLQuant with the total discards in weight of the stock.
An FLQuant with the discards in numbers at age of the stock.
An FLQuant with the weight at age of the discards.
An FLQuant with the landing/discard ogive of the metier for this stock (i.e. landings.sel corresponds to the proportion of catches landed). Elements must be between 0 and 1, with discards.sel = 1-landings.sel.
An FLQuant with the catchability at age of the stock for the corresponding metier. This is the catchability used in the catch production model.
An FLQuant with the price at age of the stock.
An FLQuant with the elasticity parameter at age of the stock for the corresponding metier. This is one of the parameters used in the catch production model.
An FLQuant with the elasticity parameter at age of the stock for the corresponding metier. This is one of the parameters used in the catch production model.
The name of the stock.
A description of the object.
The range as in other FLR objects: c("min","max","plusgroup","minyear","maxyear").