These functions provide summary results of costs, prices and revenues. Provided data can be dessagregated by fleet or by metier depending on the selected function.
revenue_flbeia(fleet) costs_flbeia(fleet, covars, flnm = NULL) totvcost_flbeia(fleet) totfcost_flbeia(fleet, covars, flnm = NULL) price_flbeia(fleet, stock)
fleet | An element of FLfleets object. |
covars | List of FLQuants with information on covariates. |
flnm | Names of the fleets. |
stock | An FLStock object. |
revenue_flbeia computes the revenue by fleet and metier. The revenue is computed as landings (weight) multiplied by the price.
costs_flbeia computes total costs as the sum of fixed and variable costs.
totvcost_flbeia computes the variable costs including crew share costs .
totfcost_flbeia computes the total costs by vessel.
price_flbeia computes the price by stock.