Summarize the results in a plot.
plotbioSum(obj, stk.nam, Blim = NA, Bpa = NA, proj.yr = NA) plotfltSum(obj, flt.nam, proj.yr = NA)
obj | An object with the same format as bioSum and fltSum outputs, respectively. |
stk.nam | Character with the name of the stock for which summary information will be plotted. If not defined, then the first one in obj will be selected by default. |
Blim | Numeric. Blim reference point for the stock (optional argument).=NA, Bpa=NA, proj.yr=NA) |
Bpa | Numeric. Bpa reference point for the stock (optional argument). |
proj.yr | Numeric. Year in which projection period starts (optional argument). |
flt.nam | Character with the name of the fleet for which summary information will be plotted. If not defined, then the first one in obj will be selected by default. |
plotbioSum: Plot summarising information on stock. With one plot for each of the following indicators: "catch", "rec", "f" and "ssb". Input object should have the same format as the output of bioSum function.
plotfltSum: Plot summarising information on fleet's economic indicators. With one plot for each of the following indicators: "catch", "effort", "grossValue" and "grossSurplus". Input object should have the same format as the output of fltSum function.
# NOT RUN { library(FLBEIA) # Apply the summary plots to the examples runs in FLBEIA help page. data(res_flbeia) #------------------------------------------------ # Example One: One stock, one fleet, one iter. #------------------------------------------------ # Biological indicators. plotbioSum( bioSum(oneRes), Blim=800, Bpa=1200, proj.yr=2010) # bioSum output in wide format plotbioSum( bioSum(oneRes, long = FALSE)) # bioSum output in long format plotbioSum( bioSum(oneRes), stk.nam='stk0') # if incorrect name for the stock # Indicators at fleet level. plotfltSum( fltSum(oneRes), proj.yr=2010) # fltSum output in wide format plotfltSum( fltSum(oneRes, long = FALSE)) # fltSum output in long format plotfltSum( fltSum(oneRes), flt.nam='stk1') # if incorrect name for the fleet plotfltSum( fltSum(oneRes, byyear = FALSE)) # although seasonal disagregation, # it is summarised by year #------------------------------------------------ # Example OneIters: As one but with iterations. #------------------------------------------------ # Biological indicators. plotbioSum( bioSum(s1), Blim=800, Bpa=1200, proj.yr=2010) # bioSum output in wide format plotbioSum( bioSum(s1, long = FALSE)) # bioSum output in long format plotbioSum( bioSum(s1), stk.nam='stk0') # if incorrect name for the stock # Indicators at fleet level. plotfltSum( fltSum(s1), proj.yr=2010) # fltSum output in wide format plotfltSum( fltSum(s1, long = FALSE)) # fltSum output in long format plotfltSum( fltSum(s1), flt.nam='stk1') # if incorrect name for the fleet plotfltSum( fltSum(s1, byyear = FALSE)) # although seasonal disagregation, # it is summarised by year # also possible to plot information on various scenarios sc11_bio <- bioSum(s1) sc12_bio <- bioSum(s1, scenario='alt'); sc12_bio$value <- sc12_bio$value*1.05 plotbioSum(rbind(sc11_bio, sc12_bio), Blim=800, Bpa=1200, proj.yr=2010) #------------------------------------------------ # Example Multi: Two stock, two fleet, four iters. #------------------------------------------------ for (st in names(s2$stocks)) # one plot for each stock plotbioSum( bioSum(s2, scenario='s2'), stk.nam=st, proj.yr=2010) for (fl in names(s2$fleets)) # one plot for each fleet plotfltSum( fltSum(s2, scenario='s2'), flt.nam=fl, proj.yr=2010) # }