The FLStock generated by the call to oem is simply passed on in this function. The estimates of abundance, catches and exploitation will thus be as precise as the OEM observation., idx, args, tracking, ...)
The stock observation generated by oem. Class FLStock.
An observation of chnages in abundance, not used. Class FLIndices.
MSE arguments, class list.
Structure for tracking modules outputs.
A list with elements stk and tracking.
#> Warning: namespace ‘DBI’ is not available and has been replaced
#> by .GlobalEnv when processing object ‘om’, FLIndices(), args=list(ay=2018, dy=2017),
tracking=FLQuants(FLQuant(dimnames=list(metric="conv.est", year=2018))))
#> $stk
#> An object of class "FLStock"
#> Name: Sole in North Sea
#> Description: Imported from a VPA file. ( bootstrap/data/index.txt ). Fri Apr 30 15:37: [...]
#> Quant: age
#> Dims: age year unit season area iter
#> 10 61 1 1 1 100
#> Range: min max pgroup minyear maxyear minfbar maxfbar
#> 1 10 10 1957 2017 2 6
#> Metrics:
#> rec: 10548 - 648178 (thousands)
#> ssb: 18001 - 119565 (tonnes)
#> catch: 11339 - 35117 (tonnes)
#> fbar: 0.21 - 0.69 (f)
#> $tracking
#> $ NA
#> An object of class "FLQuant"
#> , , unit = unique, season = all, area = unique
#> year
#> metric 2018
#> conv.est 1
#> units: NA