, R/mseCtrl-class.R
, R/mpCtrl-class.R
, and 1 more
Set and unset the debugging flag of a function inside the method slot of a mseCtrl object.
debug(fun, text = "", condition = NULL, signature = NULL)
# S4 method for mseCtrl,missing
# S4 method for mseCtrl,missing
# S4 method for mpCtrl,character
undebug(fun, signature = NULL)
# S4 method for mpCtrl,missing
# S4 method for FLo,ANY
# S4 method for FLo,ANY
Module or control object to debug.
Name of module in mpCtrl.
Name of module in mpCtrl.
Both functions invisibly return NULL
Modules in the mse control object contain the function to be called in the method slot. To debug and check the behaviour of an individual function, the debug method will start a browser session next time it is called. Debugging functions requires the parallel flag to be set to FALSE, or that no parallel backend is loaded.
Calling undebug on an mpCtrl without specifying a module will check for the debugging status of each of them, and undebug if TRUE.
For objects of classes FLom and FLombf, debug and undebug will set and unset the debugging flag on the function stored in the projection slot.