Document the results of the FLSAM assessment including all input values, model settings and output in formatted tables
FLSAM.out(stck, tun, sam, format = "TABLE %i.")
sam.out(stck, tun, sam, format = "TABLE %i.")
An FLStock object to be documented
An FLIndices object to be documented
An FLSAM assessment model output object
The Title to be specified with each table.
This function produces a set of tables that can be used to directly document an assessment. Included in the tables are all (relevant) input data, the details of the tuning indices, the model parameter configuration, the estimated parameters and all estimated values. The structure and approach is inspired by the "ica.out" documentation from the ICA package.
is simply an alias for FLSAM.out.
The output is a table that can be written to disk and pasted directly into any text editor.
sam.out <- FLSAM.out(NSH,NSH.tun,NSH.sam,format="Table %i")
#> Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...): invalid class “FLIndex” object: desc can only be of length 1
#-Set margins to make prettier output
old.opt <- options("width","scipen")
#Write the file to the working directory
#> Error in cat(x, file = file, sep = c(rep.int(sep, ncolumns - 1), "\n"), append = append): argument 1 (type 'closure') cannot be handled by 'cat'
#-Reset margins