Boxplot by MP for a range of statistics Figure 3

  statistics = unique(data$statistic),
  size = 3,
  target = missing,
  limit = missing,
  yminmax = c(0.1, 0.9),
  lowupp = c(0.25, 0.75)


# A data.table of performance statistics per run,
#>    run statistic year      data iter     name  mp
#> 1: MP1      FMSY 2038 0.5901713    1 F/F[MSY] MP1
#> 2: MP1      FMSY 2038 0.5765500    2 F/F[MSY] MP1
#> 3: MP1      FMSY 2038 0.5907079    3 F/F[MSY] MP1
#> 4: MP1      FMSY 2038 0.6117634    4 F/F[MSY] MP1
#> 5: MP1      FMSY 2038 0.5811830    5 F/F[MSY] MP1
#> 6: MP1      FMSY 2038 0.6093237    6 F/F[MSY] MP1
# plot selected statistics
plotBPs(perf, statistics=c("SB0", "FMSY", "green"))

plotBPs(perf, statistics=names(statistics))
#> Error in eval(stub[[3L]], x, enclos): object 'statistics' not found
# Add targets and limits by statistics, as named vectors
plotBPs(perf, statistics=c("SB0", "FMSY", "green"),
  target=c(SB0=0.40, FMSY=1, green=0.5), limit=c(SB0=0.10))

# size control the diameter of the point behind thin boxplots
plotBPs(perf, statistics=c("SB0", "FMSY", "green"), size=3)