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  • uom defaults to NA unless defined below.

  • unit +/- itself, returns the same unit (e.g. kg + kg = kg)

  • numeric unit * 1 returns same unit (e.g. 1e4 * 1 = 1e4)

  • numeric unit * numeric unit returns product (e.g. 10 * 100 = 1000)

  • unit / unit returns "" (e.g. 100 / 100 = "")

  • numeric unit / smaller numeric unit returns division (e.g. 100 / 10 = 10)

  • 100 times kg returns t

  • numeric unit * 'kg' returns the product in tonnes (e.g. kg * 1e4 = t * 10)

  • units with divisions are parsed (e.g. days/boat * boat = days)


An object of class array