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Overloaded arithmetic operators for FLCore classes


# S4 method for numeric,FLArray
Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for FLArray,numeric
Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for FLArray,FLArray
Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for FLPar,FLPar
Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for FLArray,FLPar
Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for FLPar,FLArray
Arith(e1, e2)


These methods apply the standard arithmetic operators included in the Arith group ("+", "-", "*", "^", "%%", "%/%", and "/"), so that they return an object of the appropriate class.

When the operation involves objects of two classes (e.g. FLPar and FLQuant), the class is the returned object is that of the more complexs object, in this case FLQuant.


The FLR Team


flq <- FLQuant(rlnorm(90), dim=c(3,10), units='kg')
flp <- FLPar(a=99)

# FLQuant and numeric
flq * 25
#> An object of class "FLQuant"
#> , , unit = unique, season = all, area = unique
#>      year
#> quant 1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8       
#>     1   6.1647  24.8611   4.0433  18.8435 197.1374   3.8801  43.0289  35.9391
#>     2  32.2718  46.5454  19.5222  14.3705   4.8934  14.8331  10.0222   6.7824
#>     3   2.1850  78.8295  19.5833  46.8925  41.7334  23.7189  39.9261  52.2820
#>      year
#> quant 9        10      
#>     1 165.2370  24.6044
#>     2  22.6788  10.9363
#>     3   9.8063   5.5095
#> units:  kg 
# Two FLQuant objects
flq + flq
#> An object of class "FLQuant"
#> , , unit = unique, season = all, area = unique
#>      year
#> quant 1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8       
#>     1  0.49317  1.98889  0.32346  1.50748 15.77099  0.31041  3.44231  2.87513
#>     2  2.58174  3.72363  1.56177  1.14964  0.39147  1.18665  0.80177  0.54259
#>     3  0.17480  6.30636  1.56666  3.75140  3.33868  1.89752  3.19409  4.18256
#>      year
#> quant 9        10      
#>     1 13.21896  1.96835
#>     2  1.81430  0.87490
#>     3  0.78451  0.44076
#> units:  kg 

# FLQuant and FLPar
flq / flp
#> An object of class "FLQuant"
#> , , unit = unique, season = all, area = unique
#>      year
#> quant 1          2          3          4          5          6         
#>     1 0.00249077 0.01004489 0.00163365 0.00761355 0.07965146 0.00156772
#>     2 0.01303910 0.01880623 0.00788774 0.00580626 0.00197713 0.00599318
#>     3 0.00088283 0.03185031 0.00791244 0.01894647 0.01686200 0.00958341
#>      year
#> quant 7          8          9          10        
#>     1 0.01738542 0.01452087 0.06676242 0.00994117
#>     2 0.00404937 0.00274037 0.00916315 0.00441870
#>     3 0.01613176 0.02112404 0.00396216 0.00222607
#> units:  NA