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Report bugs

If you find any problem with the FLR packages, please do not hesitate letting us know.

You can report bugs at the issue page on each package github repository. For FLCore, for example, this is at

Or you can drop us a line at

Comment on the documentation

Errors, shortcomings or any comment on the documentation of any FLR package can also be submited as an issue at the package issue page.

The FLR tutorials are hosted in the ‘doc’ repository, so issues on their content or functionality can be reported at

Suggest improvements or additions

If you have an idea for something that could be added or made better in any FLR package, open it for discussion at the FLR mailing list

Contribute an example

If you have used FLR for your work and would like to show how it has helped, you could contribute an R Markdown (Rmd) document to the FLR gallery. Please fork the repository at

and submit a pull request with your document. We will test it and upload it to the FLR website.

Contribute code

We are more than happy to receive pull requests on any of the FLR packages if you have new code or a bug fix. Your contribution will be recognized by the community.

Increase FLR usage and awareness

Do not forget to mention the use of FLR in any of your documents and publications. Use


to get text of BibTeX versions of the main reference for FLR. You can also link to our website so readers can find out more about the project.