New basic plot methods for some FLR classes are defined in ggplotFL.

# S4 method for FLQuant,missing
plot(x, probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95), na.rm = FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for FLQuant,FLQuant
  probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95),
  na.rm = FALSE,
  iter = NULL

# S4 method for FLQuants,missing
  probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95),
  na.rm = FALSE,
  worm = iter,
  iter = NULL

# S4 method for FLQuants,FLPar
plot(x, y, ...)

# S4 method for FLQuants,FLPars
plot(x, y, ...)

# S4 method for FLQuantPoint,missing
plot(x, mean = TRUE, median = TRUE)

# S4 method for FLQuantPoint,FLQuant
plot(x, y, na.rm = FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for FLQuantPoint,FLQuants
plot(x, y, na.rm = FALSE, mean = TRUE, median = TRUE, ...)

# S4 method for FLPar,missing
plot(x, names = NULL)

# S4 method for FLStock,missing
  metrics = list(Rec = rec, SSB = ssb, Catch = catch, F = fbar),
  na.rm = TRUE,

# S4 method for FLStock,FLStock
  metrics = list(Rec = rec, SSB = ssb, Catch = catch, F = fbar),
  probs = c(0.1, 0.33, 0.5, 0.66, 0.9),
  na.rm = TRUE,
  iter = NULL,

# S4 method for FLStock,FLPar
plot(x, y, metrics = list(Rec = rec, SSB = ssb, Catch = catch, F = fbar), ...)

# S4 method for FLStocks,missing
  metrics = list(Rec = function(x) unitSums(rec(x)), SB = function(x) unitSums(ssb(x)), C
    = function(x) unitSums(catch(x)), F = function(x) unitMeans(fbar(x))),
  probs = c(0.1, 0.33, 0.5, 0.66, 0.9),
  alpha = c(0.1, 0.4),
  worm = iter,
  iter = NULL,

# S4 method for FLStocks,missing
  metrics = list(Rec = function(x) unitSums(rec(x)), SB = function(x) unitSums(ssb(x)), C
    = function(x) unitSums(catch(x)), F = function(x) unitMeans(fbar(x))),
  probs = c(0.1, 0.33, 0.5, 0.66, 0.9),
  alpha = c(0.1, 0.4),
  worm = iter,
  iter = NULL,

# S4 method for FLStocks,FLPar
  na.rm = TRUE,
  metrics = function(x, y) FLQuants(SSB = ssb(x)/y[, "ssb", ], F = fbar(x)/y[, "harvest",
    ], Catch = catch(x))

# S4 method for FLStock,FLStocks
plot(x, y, ...)

# S4 method for FLSR,missing
plot(x, y, ...)

# S4 method for FLSRs,ANY
plot(x, legend_label = names(x), facets = FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for FLBiol,missing
plot(x, metrics = list(Rec = function(x) n(x)[1, ], B = tsb), ...)

# S4 method for FLBiols,missing
plot(x, metrics = list(Rec = function(x) n(x)[1, ], B = tsb), ...)

# S4 method for FLIndexBiomass,missing
plot(x, y, ...)

# S4 method for FLIndex,missing

# S4 method for FLIndices,missing



FLR object to plot


Quantiles to calculate along the iter dimension. A vector of length 5, for the lower outer, lower inner, central, upper inner and upper outer quantiles. Defaults to the 66 and 80 percent quantiles, plus median line.


Should NAs be deleted in quantile calculations?, defaults to TRUE.


Other arguments to be passed to the corresponding ggplot call.


FLR object to plot


Individual iterations to show as worm plots over the quantiles.


Individual iterations to show as worm plots over the quantiles.


function returning an FLQuants for each FLStock


alpha values for the quantile ribbons, defaults to 0.10 and 0.40.


function to create the legend labels


The coertion to *data.frame* that is carried out in the plot methods sets the argument `date=TRUE`. This generates a new column of class `POSIXct` for the first day of the first month of each season. If the `season` dimension of the object being plotted is of length greater than one, `date` will be used as variable on the x axis of the plot. Otherwise, it will be `year`. Keep this in mind when adding extra elements to the plot (see examples below).

A similar mechanism is used for the *y* axis, depending on the length of the `iter` dimension. For objects with no *iters*, a single line is plotted for each *FLQuant*, and the *y* axis is mapped to the `data` column of the *data.frame*. For objects with iterations, i.e. with length greater than 1 on the `iter` dimension, the default plots show the quantiles of the distribution and the *y* axis is mapped to the middle quantile, by default `50 examples below on how to refer to these variables when adding elements to the plot.

See also

ISOdate ggplot


 # Plot a single FLQuant

 # Plot an FLQuant with iters, shows quantiles
 flq <- rnorm(100, catch(ple4), 60000)

 # Specify quantiles, default is c(0.10, 0.33, 0.50, 0.66, 0.90)
 plot(flq, probs=c(0.05, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.95))

 # Adding extra elements to an FLQuant plot, with seasons
 flq <- FLQuant(runif(200), dim=c(1,15,1,4))
 plot(flq) + geom_point(aes(x=date, y=data, colour=season))

# or without them
 flq <- FLQuant(runif(200), dim=c(1,15))
 plot(flq) + geom_point(aes(x=year, y=data))

# For an object with iter
 flq <- rlnorm(100, flq, 0.4)
 plot(flq) + geom_point(aes(x=year, y=data))

# To plot(FLQuant) as in previous versions of ggplotFL
plot(rnorm(300, catch(ple4), catch(ple4)/2), probs=c(0.10, 0.5, 0.90)) +
  geom_flquantiles(probs=c(0.01), linetype=3, colour="red", alpha=0.1) +
  geom_flquantiles(probs=c(0.99), linetype=3, colour="red", alpha=0.1)

# plot(FLQuant, FLQuant, ...) to place in one facet
plot(catch(ple4), landings(ple4))

# Add legend by hand
plot(rnorm(200, landings(ple4), 8000), discards(ple4)) +
  scale_colour_discrete(name="Yield (t)", labels=c("Landings", "Discards")) +

 # Plot an FLQuants created from ple4 FLStock
 plot(FLQuants(SSB=ssb(ple4), rec=rec(ple4)))

 plot(FLQuants(SSB=ssb(ple4), rec=rec(ple4)), probs = NULL)

 # plot for FLQuants, FLPar
 rps <- FLPar(F=0.14, Catch=1.29e5, Rec=9.38e5, SSB=1.8e5)
 fqs <- metrics(ple4)
 plot(fqs, rps)

 # Works also if reptsa are given for some panels
 rps <- FLPar(F=0.14, Catch=1.29e5, SSB=1.8e5)
 plot(fqs, rps)

 # plot for FLQuants, FLPars
 rps <- FLPars(F=FLPar(Fmsy=0.14, Fpa=0.35), SSB=FLPar(SBmsy=1.8e5, SBlim=1.1e5))
 fqs <- metrics(ple4, list(SSB=ssb, F=fbar))
 plot(fqs, rps) + ylim(c(0, NA))

# plot for FLQuantPoint
fqp <- FLQuantPoint(rlnorm(300, log(catch(ple4)), 0.20))

# plot for FLQuantPoint, FLQuant
plot(fqp, rlnorm(3, log(catch(ple4)), 0.20))

# plot for FLQuantPoint, FLQuants
fqp <- FLQuantPoint(rlnorm(300, log(catch(ple4)), 0.20))
fqs <- divide(rlnorm(3, log(catch(ple4)), 0.20))
plot(fqp, fqs)

par <- FLPar(alpha=rnorm(200, 0.6, 0.2), beta=rlnorm(200, 0.8, 0.3))

# plot of an FLStock

# plot for FLStock, FLPar
rps <- FLPar(F=0.14, Catch=1.29e5, Rec=9.38e5, SSB=1.8e5)
plot(ple4, rps)

# plot for FLStocks
pls <- FLStocks(runA=ple4, runB=qapply(ple4, function(x) x*1.10))

# geom_flpar can be used draw refpts lines and labels
plot(pls, metrics=list(SSB=ssb, F=fbar)) +
  facet_grid(qname~stock, scales='free') +
  geom_flpar(data=FLPars(SSB=FLPar(Blim=300000, Bpa=230000),
  F=FLPar(FMSY=0.21)), x=c(1960), stock='runA', fill=alpha('white', 0.4))

# plot for FLStocks
pls <- FLStocks(runA=ple4, runB=qapply(ple4, function(x) x*1.10))

# geom_flpar can then be used draw refpts lines and labels
plot(pls, metrics=list(SSB=ssb, F=fbar)) +
  facet_grid(qname~stock, scales='free') +
  geom_flpar(data=FLPars(SSB=FLPar(Blim=300000, Bpa=230000),
  F=FLPar(FMSY=0.21)), x=c(1960), stock='runA', fill=alpha('white', 0.4))

# plot for FLSR

 # plot for FLSRs
 srs <- FLSRs(sapply(c('segreg', 'bevholt'), function(x) {
   y <- nsher
   model(y) <- x
#>   Nelder-Mead direct search function minimizer
#> function value for initial parameters = -14.190173
#>   Scaled convergence tolerance is 2.1145e-07
#> Stepsize computed as 6.789002
#> BUILD              3 -13.430599 -15.242851
#> EXTENSION          5 -14.190173 -16.074769
#> EXTENSION          7 -15.242851 -17.135003
#> HI-REDUCTION       9 -16.074769 -17.135003
#> LO-REDUCTION      11 -16.401987 -17.135003
#> LO-REDUCTION      13 -16.738659 -17.135003
#> HI-REDUCTION      15 -16.967762 -17.135003
#> HI-REDUCTION      17 -16.990440 -17.135003
#> LO-REDUCTION      19 -17.053124 -17.135003
#> LO-REDUCTION      21 -17.107715 -17.135003
#> REFLECTION        23 -17.132087 -17.139431
#> HI-REDUCTION      25 -17.135003 -17.139841
#> HI-REDUCTION      27 -17.139431 -17.140713
#> HI-REDUCTION      29 -17.139841 -17.142261
#> LO-REDUCTION      31 -17.140713 -17.142261
#> LO-REDUCTION      33 -17.141732 -17.142261
#> HI-REDUCTION      35 -17.141925 -17.142261
#> LO-REDUCTION      37 -17.142098 -17.142261
#> LO-REDUCTION      39 -17.142233 -17.142261
#> HI-REDUCTION      41 -17.142238 -17.142265
#> LO-REDUCTION      43 -17.142261 -17.142268
#> HI-REDUCTION      45 -17.142265 -17.142270
#> HI-REDUCTION      47 -17.142268 -17.142271
#> HI-REDUCTION      49 -17.142270 -17.142271
#> HI-REDUCTION      51 -17.142270 -17.142271
#> Exiting from Nelder Mead minimizer
#>     53 function evaluations used
#>   Nelder-Mead direct search function minimizer
#> function value for initial parameters = -10.336211
#>   Scaled convergence tolerance is 1.54022e-07
#> Stepsize computed as 501.110000
#> BUILD              3 44.842344 -11.603908
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> HI-REDUCTION       5 31.685209 -11.603908
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> HI-REDUCTION       7 17.913114 -11.603908
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> HI-REDUCTION       9 5.415279 -11.603908
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> HI-REDUCTION      11 -3.412974 -11.603908
#> HI-REDUCTION      13 -8.018030 -11.603908
#> LO-REDUCTION      15 -10.336211 -11.603908
#> LO-REDUCTION      17 -11.081040 -11.603908
#> EXTENSION         19 -11.295930 -12.061705
#> LO-REDUCTION      21 -11.603908 -12.061705
#> REFLECTION        23 -11.813826 -12.087620
#> REFLECTION        25 -12.061705 -12.199591
#> LO-REDUCTION      27 -12.087620 -12.199591
#> LO-REDUCTION      29 -12.158184 -12.199591
#> LO-REDUCTION      31 -12.191726 -12.199591
#> HI-REDUCTION      33 -12.192269 -12.199591
#> HI-REDUCTION      35 -12.197784 -12.199591
#> LO-REDUCTION      37 -12.198015 -12.199591
#> HI-REDUCTION      39 -12.199555 -12.199776
#> REFLECTION        41 -12.199591 -12.200058
#> HI-REDUCTION      43 -12.199776 -12.200092
#> HI-REDUCTION      45 -12.200058 -12.200142
#> HI-REDUCTION      47 -12.200092 -12.200155
#> HI-REDUCTION      49 -12.200142 -12.200160
#> HI-REDUCTION      51 -12.200155 -12.200177
#> HI-REDUCTION      53 -12.200160 -12.200177
#> LO-REDUCTION      55 -12.200171 -12.200179
#> HI-REDUCTION      57 -12.200177 -12.200179
#> HI-REDUCTION      59 -12.200178 -12.200179
#> HI-REDUCTION      61 -12.200179 -12.200179
#> HI-REDUCTION      63 -12.200179 -12.200179
#> HI-REDUCTION      65 -12.200179 -12.200179
#> Exiting from Nelder Mead minimizer
#>     67 function evaluations used
 plot(srs, facets=TRUE)
#> Error in seq.default(0, max(dat[dat$sr == i, "ssb"]), length = 100): 'to' must be a finite number
 plot(srs, legend_label=eqlabel)

 plot(srs, legend_label=modlabel)

 # Plot a FLIndex object

 # Plot a FLIndices object
#> Warning: Removed 43 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_fl_quantiles()`).
#> Warning: Removed 43 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_fl_quantiles()`).

 plot(ple4.indices) +
   geom_smooth(formula=y ~ x, se=FALSE, method="loess", linewidth=0.2)
#> Warning: Removed 43 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_fl_quantiles()`).
#> Warning: Removed 43 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_fl_quantiles()`).
#> Warning: Removed 43 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_smooth()`).