Uses life history theory to derive parameters for biological relationships, i.e. or growth, maturity, natural mortality. Selectivity by default is set so age at peak selectivity is the same as age at 50% mature (a50) As a minimum all `lhPar` requires is `linf` the asymptotic length of the von Bertalannfy growth equation.
Uses life history theory to derive parameters for biological relationships, i.e. or growth, maturity, natural mortality. Selectivity by default is set so age at peak selectivity is the same as age at 50% mature (a50) As a minimum all `lhPar` requires is `linf` the asymptotic length of the von Bertalannfy growth equation.
m = list(model = "gislason", params = c(m1 = 0.55, m2 = -1.61, m3 = 1.44)),
k = function(params, a = 3.15, b = -0.64) a * params["linf"]^b,
t0 = function(params, a = -0.3922, b = -0.2752, c = -1.038) -exp(a - b *
log(params$linf) %-% (c * log(params$k))),
l50 = function(params, a = 0.72, b = 0.93) a * params["linf"]^b
k = function(params, a = 3.15, b = -0.64) a * params["linf"]^b,
t0 = function(params, a = -0.3922, b = -0.2752, c = -1.038) -exp(a - b *
log(params$linf) %-% (c * log(params$k))),
l50 = function(params, a = 0.72, b = 0.93) a * params["linf"]^b,
gowth = vonB,
mat = logistic,
sel = dnormal,
sr = "bevholt",
m = list(model = "gislason", params = c(m1 = 0.55, m2 = -1.61, m3 = 1.44)),
fmult = function(x) refpts(x)["msy", "harvest"] %*% FLQuant(seq(0, 2, length.out =
range = c(min = 0, max = 40, minfbar = 1, maxfbar = 40, plusgroup = 40),
spwn = 0,
fish = 0.5,
midyear = 0.5
of von Bertalanffy. This is a default that isnt normally derived from life history theory, as are the following args.
obsolete now replaced by sel3
object with parameters for life history equations and selection pattern.
Need Linfinity to estimate other parameters, if any other parameters supplied in code
these are not provided by the algorithm
coefficient of length weight relationship
exponent of length weight relationship
age at which 95% of fish are mature, offset to age at which 50% are mature
steepness of stock recruitment relationship
virgin biomass
selectivity-at-age parameter for double normal, age at maximum selectivity by default set to same as age at 100% mature
selectivity-at-age parameter for double normal, standard deviation of lefthand limb of double normal, by default 5
selectivity-at-age parameter for double normal, standard deviation of righthand limb of double normal, by default 5000
obsolete now replaced by sel2
m-at-age parameter by default for Gislason empirical relationship
m-at-age parameter, by default for Gislason empirical relationship
m-at-age parameter, by default for Gislason empirical relationship
object of class FLPar
with missing parameters calculated from life history theory
object of class FLPar
with missing parameters calculated from life history theory
if (FALSE) {
#COMPARE with output of FLife::lhPar
x <- as(lhpar(linf=100), 'list')
x <- x[sort(names(x))]
y <- as(lhPar(FLPar(linf=100)), 'list')
y <- y[sort(names(y))]
for(i in seq(length(x)))
cat(names(x[i]), ":", unlist(x[i]), "-", names(y[i]), ":", unlist(y[i]), "\n")
# CALL with iters
lhpar(FLPar(linf=100), v=rnorm(100, 300, 200))
lhPar(FLPar(linf=rnorm(100, 80, 10)))
lhPar(FLPar(linf=100, v=rnorm(100, 300, 200)))
lhPar(FLPar(linf=100), FLPar(v=rnorm(100, 300, 200)))
lhPar(FLPar(linf=100, v=rnorm(100, 300, 200)), t0=-1, data.frame(a=1,b=7))
attributes(lhpar(FLPar(linf=100), v=rnorm(100, 300, 200)))$mmodel
if (FALSE) {