Make an FLFisheries object.
This is a containuer class for FLFishery
FLFisheries(object, ...)
# S4 method for FLFisheries
landings(object, by = c("fishery", "catch"), sum = TRUE)
# S4 method for FLFisheries
discards(object, by = c("fishery", "catch"), sum = TRUE)
# S4 method for FLFisheries
catch(object, by = c("fishery", "catch"), sum = TRUE)
# S4 method for FLFisheries
catch.n(object, pos = lapply(object, names))
# S4 method for FLFisheries
landings.wt(object, pos = lapply(object, names))
# S4 method for FLFisheries
catch.wt(object, pos = lapply(object, names))
# S4 method for FLFisheries
catch.wt(object, pos = lapply(object, names))
# S4 method for list
FLFisheries(object, desc = character(1))
# S4 method for missing
FLFisheries(object, ...)
Either a list of FLFishery objects or missing
Other things
Dimension to aggregate by, "fishery" or "catch".
An FLFisheries object
Make an FLFisheries object.
Elements in the classes can be extracted and replaced using the list subset operators,'[', '[<-', '[[' and '[[<-'.
The values passed for replacement need to be of the class FLFishery.
A construction method exists for this class that can take named arguments for any of its elements.