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Returns values for the units of each FLQuant slot according to the standard adopted by the FLR Team for the supplied class.


standardUnits(object, ...)

# S4 method for character
standardUnits(object, ...)

# S4 method for FLS
standardUnits(object, ...)

# S4 method for FLBiol
standardUnits(object, ...)



for which the standard units are to be returned


A list with the corresponding units value for each slot


For objects derived from class FLS, which currently includes FLStock and FLStockLen, the adopted standard includes: 'kg' for individual weights, '1000' for number of individuals, 't' for biomass, 'f' for harvest, 'm' for natural mortality, and an empty string for proportions (spwn, mat).

For objects derived of class FLBiol the adopted standard units are: 'kg' for individual weights, '1000' for number of individuals, 'm' for natural mortality, and an empty string for proportions (spwn, mat).

See also


The FLR Team


stk <- FLStock(catch=FLQuant(runif(20, 2, 120)))
# FLStock object has no units
#> An object of class "FLStock"
#> Name:  
#> Description:  
#> Quant: quant 
#> Dims:  quant 	year	unit	season	area	iter
#> 	1	20	1	1	1	1	
#> Range:  min	max	pgroup	minyear	maxyear	minfbar	maxfbar 
#> 	NA	NA	NA	1	20	NA	NA	
#> Metrics: 
#>   rec: NA - NA (NA)
#>   ssb: NA - NA (NA)
#>   catch: 5 - 84  (NA) 
#>   fbar: NA - NA (NA)
# Obtain standard units for the class as a list
#> $catch.wt
#> [1] "kg"
#> $landings.wt
#> [1] "kg"
#> $discards.wt
#> [1] "kg"
#> $stock.wt
#> [1] "kg"
#> $catch
#> [1] "t"
#> $landings
#> [1] "t"
#> $discards
#> [1] "t"
#> $stock
#> [1] "t"
#> $catch.n
#> [1] "1000"
#> $landings.n
#> [1] "1000"
#> $discards.n
#> [1] "1000"
#> $stock.n
#> [1] "1000"
#> $mat
#> [1] ""
#> $harvest.spwn
#> [1] ""
#> $m.spwn
#> [1] ""
#> $m
#> [1] "m"
#> $harvest
#> [1] "f"
# which can then be assigned to the object
units(stk) <- standardUnits(stk)
#> An object of class "FLStock"
#> Name:  
#> Description:  
#> Quant: quant 
#> Dims:  quant 	year	unit	season	area	iter
#> 	1	20	1	1	1	1	
#> Range:  min	max	pgroup	minyear	maxyear	minfbar	maxfbar 
#> 	NA	NA	NA	1	20	NA	NA	
#> Metrics: 
#>   rec: NA - NA (NA)
#>   ssb: NA - NA  (t) 
#>   catch: 5 - 84  (t) 
#>   fbar: NA - NA (NA)
# units<- methjod also accepts a function to be called to provide units
units(stk) <- standardUnits
bio <- FLBiol(n=FLQuant(runif(50, 2, 120), dim=c(5, 10)))
# Object has no units
#> An object of class "FLBiol"
#> Name:  
#> Description:  
#> Quant: quant 
#> Dims:  quant 	year	unit	season	area	iter
#> 	5	10	1	1	1	1	
#> Range:  min	max	pgroup	minyear	maxyear 
#> 	1	5	5	1	10	
#> mat           ~ mat 
#>   mat         : [ 5 10 1 1 1 1 ], units =  NA 
#>   NA          : [ 1 1 ], units =  NA 
#> fec           ~ fec 
#>   fec         : [ 5 10 1 1 1 1 ], units =  NA 
#>   NA          : [ 1 1 ], units =  NA 
#> rec           ~ rec 
#>   rec         : [ 1 10 1 1 1 1 ], units =  NA 
#>   NA          : [ 1 1 ], units =  NA 
# Obtain standard units for the class as a list
#> $n
#> [1] "1000"
#> $m
#> [1] "m"
#> $wt
#> [1] "kg"
#> $spwn
#> [1] ""
#> $mat
#> [1] "mat"
#> $fec
#> [1] "NA"
#> $rec
#> [1] "1000"
# which can then be assigned to the object
units(bio) <- standardUnits(bio)
#> An object of class "FLStock"
#> Name:  
#> Description:  
#> Quant: quant 
#> Dims:  quant 	year	unit	season	area	iter
#> 	1	20	1	1	1	1	
#> Range:  min	max	pgroup	minyear	maxyear	minfbar	maxfbar 
#> 	NA	NA	NA	1	20	NA	NA	
#> Metrics: 
#>   rec: NA - NA (NA)
#>   ssb: NA - NA  (t) 
#>   catch: 5 - 84  (t) 
#>   fbar: NA - NA (NA)