A class for samples of a probability distribution
, R/classesArr.R
, R/FLQuantDistr.R
This extended FLQuant class holds both a measure of central tendendy (mean, median) and of dispersion (tipically variance), to be later used to generate, for example, random numbers with those mean and variances.
FLQuantDistr(object, var, ...)
# S4 method for class 'ANY,ANY'
FLQuantDistr(object, var, ...)
# S4 method for class 'FLQuant,FLQuant'
FLQuantDistr(object, var, units = object@units, distr = "norm")
- .Data
Unnamed slot for storing the mean (or other measure of expectation) (
).- var
Variance, or other measure of dispersion, (
).- distr
Name of the probability distribution, see Details (
- slot dims
.Data and var slots must have the same dimensions.
- slot dimnames
.Data and var slots must have the same dimnames.
You can inspect the class validity function by using
All slots in the class have accessor and replacement methods defined that allow retrieving and substituting individual slots.
The values passed for replacement need to be of the class of that slot. A numeric vector can also be used when replacing FLQuant slots, and the vector will be used to substitute the values in the slot, but not its other attributes.
The contents of the unnamed slot (.Data) can be accessed through the
method, see Example below.
A construction method exists for this class that can take named arguments for
any of its slots. All slots are then created to match the requirements of the
class validity. If an unnamed FLQuant
object is provided, this is used
for the .Data slot.
The methods under the Arith group have been defined for objects of
this class, both for operations between two FLQuantDistr
objects and
with objects of class FLQuant
) as follows:
- +, FLQuantDistr,FLArray
- -, FLQuantDistr,FLArray
- , FLQuantDistr,FLArray. /, FLQuantDistr,FLArray. +, FLQuantDistr,FLQuantDistr. -, FLQuantDistr,FLQuantDistr. , FLQuantDistr,FLQuantDistr