Performs Separable Virtual Population Analysis. Methods for function SepVPA in package in Package `FLAssess'. Requires an object of class FLSepVPA.control to be created.


SepVPA<-function(stock, control=FLSepVPA.control(), ref.harvest="missing", fratio="missing", fit.plusgroup=TRUE, desc="",...)

, where stock is of type FLStock, control is of type FLSepVPA.control(), ref.harvest and fratio are numeric and fit.plusgroup is Boolean.


# Example based on ple4 dataset
# Set up stock with correct dimensions
my.stock <- FLStock(catch.n(ple4))
my.stock@range["plusgroup"] <- 15
#load catch data and mortality
my.stock@catch.n <- ple4@catch.n
my.stock@catch.n[my.stock@catch.n==0] <- 1
my.stock@m <- ple4@m
my.control <- FLSepVPA.control(sep.age = 5)
# Set up in final year
my.stock@stock.n[,"2001"] <- ple4@stock.n[,"2001"]
# Run SepVPA
my.stock.SepVPA <- SepVPA(my.stock, my.control, fit.plusgroup=TRUE)